Stop the daily screaming matches with your strong-willed kid!

Does it feel like you've tried EVERY gentle parenting technique but nothing is working?

Have you tried therapy, read parenting books, follow experts on Instagram - yet still feel triggered by your kid's behavior?

Do you find yourself locked in power struggles, yelling more than you ever wanted to and struggle to get your kids to do what you ask without threats and bribes?

Do you wake up every morning saying:

"Today I will not yell..." But when your head hits the pillow your heart is filled with guilt?

Inside the ResponseABLE Parenting membership we figure out EXACTLY what works for YOU giving you a roadmap to use in every triggering situation!

The parenting transformation you can expect inside my community!

For years I woke up determined not to fight with my strong-willed kid. Yet every night I went to bed FILLED with guilt because I fell back into old patterns and couldn't control my emotions when I was triggered.

After learning and applying these transformational tools, everything changed. And now I help parents around the world do the same.

Inside the ResponseABLE Parenting membership you will learn how to manage triggers, power struggles, meltdowns and bad behavior without yelling, threatening and feeling totally overwhelmed by the moment.

You will get "gentle" strategies that I've tweaked to match the INTENSITY of your strong-willed child so they actually hear you and you start to see more cooperation.

You will learn how to speak your strong-willed kid's language so that you have more ease, peace and connection with your kids.

You can expect a guilt-free, shame-free, and stress-free space that focuses on exactly where you are at and gives you the missing pieces to end stop getting sucked into the power struggles!

A place where you can feel validated and seen for maybe the first time!

You CAN have the relationship you crave with your strong-willed kids.

Feel empowered in every challenging and triggering moment with your children.

Know what to do to for both you and your children to stay connected, effective and RESPOND in the way you have always wanted.

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